BACTS is hiring!

BACTS is currently hiring an Executive Director. Details regarding this position and the application process can be found here.

Who we are

Bangor Area Comprehensive Transportation System (BACTS) improves transportation in the greater Bangor region.

We lead regional transportation and related planning efforts, bring funding to the region, provide transportation-related services to municipalities throughout Penobscot County, and as the region’s designated Metropolitan Planning Organization we evaluate and approve proposed transportation improvement projects.

Our Committees

BACTS is governed by a policy committee and an executive committee. The members of these committees are comprised of municipal officials (both elected and appointed) of the member cities and towns, members of the MaineDOT, FTA, and FHWA.

Our Resources

As the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the greater Bangor region, BACTS has a variety of resources available to assist with transportation planning and programming. BACTS resources include federal, state and local program information, historical studies and reports, and transportation data throughout the region.


Transit Times – All things transit in the greater Bangor region – 3rd Issue can be found below!

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The Town of Hampden would love to hear your feedback! If you didn't get a chance to come take part last time, here is another opportunity to give your thoughts about improving Hampden's streetscapes.Are you interested in safe and convenient sidewalks and crosswalks? Does the congestion at the school drop off/pick up area concern you? Do you think street lighting is adequate? Are there speeding concerns? Enough space for walking and biking? If you have thoughts about any of these things, we urge you to come out tomorrow night for the second public meeting regarding a partnership with DOT to improve our streetscapes. Your input is invaluable to the study. ... See MoreSee Less
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