Bangor Area Comprehensive Transportation System (BACTS) is a metropolitan planning organization (MPO) advancing and helping to carry out the transportation interests and responsibilities for the greater Bangor urbanized area.
BACTS is focused on improving transportation services in the Greater Bangor area, serving 10 participating municipalities and Penobscot Nation. BACTS participating municipalities include Bangor, Bradley, Brewer, Hampden, Hermon, Milford, Old Town, Orono, Orrington, Penobscot Nation, and Veazie. Two non participating members include Eddington and Holden.

What does BACTS do?
BACTS’s primary responsibility as an MPO is to facilitate effective planning and decision making in the metropolitan area. A critical component of this responsibility is developing regional planning products consistent with federal legislation requirements on metropolitan transportation planning processes. Our organization also sponsors and conducts studies to assist in the transportation planning process, as well as providing opportunities for public participation in transportation planning and funding decisions. BACTS also has a contract with the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) to provide technical assistance for transportation related issues in rural Penobscot County, additional information can be found here.