Current Programs

Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO’s) are required to create a number of documents as part of their federal requirements. These documents include a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), a Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), and a Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). Further detail on these documents can be found below.
The UPWP describes transportation studies and other planning tasks that an MPO intends to undertake in its urbanized area with federal, state, and local planning funds. The UPWP is updated every two years.
UPWP 2024-2025
The MTP covers a 20-year time frame and describes a long-term regional vision for transportation investments. The MTP identifies policies, goals, and strategies needed to meet an MPO region’s demand for transportation services.
The TIP is a four-year plan. The TIP lists all projects to be completed with available federal funds in the MPO area. MPO TIPs are updated annually and included in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
Further detail on the STIP can be found at –